You have reached Those who beat
their swords into
ploughshares, will plow for those who don't |
A collection of post’s from The Minion
Report forum, and the World Wide Web.
These links and information can help you from making dinner to
preparing for the end of the world.
All information is the property of its author. |
These are files of radiological preparedness
and equipment. Just click on picture
to open. They are in PDF format. If you have a high
speed connection and would like to download all of them click HERE it is about 60 megs. If you don’t
have Adobe Acrobat,
you can download it free. |
1958 Facts About
Fallout Protection pamphlet |
1961 Fallout
Protection manual |
1963 Manual -
Handbook for Radiological Monitors |
1976 pamphlet - How
To Use Radiological Instruments |
1978 CD Fallout
Shelter Management Handbook |
1978 CD Radiological
Defense Preparedness Manual |
1979 Plans for
Expedient Fallout Shelters |
1986 manual -
Radiological Instruments - An Essential Resource |
1989 FEMA Fallout
Exposure Rate Prediction Tables |
1991 CD Use of
Radiological Instruments manual |
2002 DoD pocket guide
to radiation effects |
AN PDR-70 Survey
Meter Manual |
CDV 700 Model 6b
Lionel survey meter manual |
CDV-700 circuit
changes |
CDV-700 Model 3 IPMW
survey meter manual |
CDV-700 Model 4
UniAtom survey meter manual |
CDV-700 Model 5 Anton
survey meter manual |
CDV-700 Model 6 and
6a Victoreen survey meter manual |
CDV-700 Model 6 Anton
survey meter manual |
CDV-700 Model 6b ENI survey meter manual |
CDV-700 Model 6b
Victoreen survey meter manual |
CDV-705 Model 1 |
CDV-705 Model 2
UniSound loudspeaker manual |
CDV-710 Model 1B
Victoreen survey meter manual |
CDV-710 Model 2 |
CDV-710 Model 3
Victoreen survey meter manual |
CDV-710 Model 4 |
CDV-710 Model 5
Victoreen survey meter manual |
operability |
CDV-711 schematic |
CDV-715 Model 1
Lionel survey meter manual |
CDV-715 Model 1a
Landers survey meter manual |
CDV-715 Model 1a
Victoreen survey meter manual |
CDV-715 Models 1a and 1b Victoreen retrofit
instructions |
CDV-715 Victoreen
model 1b Survey Meter Manual |
CDV-717 Victoreen
model 1 survey meter manual |
CDV-720 Model 2
Victoreen survey meter manual |
CDV-720 model 3a
Victoreen survey meter manual |
CDV-727 Victoreen
survey meter manual |
Bendix family kit manual |
CDV-750 Bendix model 5b dosimeter charger
manual |
CDV-750 IEH model 5b
dosimeter charger manual |
CDV-750 |
CDV-750 |
CDV-750 Model 6
dosimeter charger manual |
CDV-750 Universal
Atomics dosimeter charger manual |
FEMA 1985 obsolete
meter list |
FEMA disposal guide |
FEMA Radiological Instruments - An
Essential Resource |
KI4U NukAlert manual |
US Army Dosimeter Use
Guide |
"A libertarian is a person who believes that
no one has the right, under any circumstances, to initiate force against
another human being, or to advocate or delegate its initiation. Those who act
consistently with this principle are libertarians, whether they realize it or
not. Those who fail to act consistently with it are not libertarians,
regardless of what they may claim." |